The ACT Social Enterprise Grant Program offers eligible early stage social entrepreneurs and startups matched-funded grants between $10,000 – $30,000 to kick-start their impact journey.
This pilot program is being delivered through funding provided by the ACT Government.
The Mill House Ventures has partnered with the ACT Government to administer the Social Enterprise Grant Program and provide matched funding between $10,000 and $30,000. The program is a competitive grant program, targeted at start-up social enterprises to address the market gap in funding between pre-revenue (seed) grant programs and the philanthropic, sponsorship and venture capital funding opportunities available to a scaleup social enterprise.
Applications for 2024/2025 grant program now closed.
In order to be eligible to apply for funding you must:
See the Grant Guidelines of this grant.
Please ensure sufficient time to submit before the deadline as late applications cannot be accepted (note that a draft cannot be saved on the application page).
If you missed out submitting before the close date or were unsuccessful, you will be able to reapply in the following round.
Applications open: Monday 25th November 2024 9:00am AEDT
Applications Close Friday 7th February 2025 5:00pm AEDT
Should you require an extension please submit a request to The Mill House Ventures team a minimum of 5 days prior to the closing date through
Applicants must familiarise themselves with the relevant funding guidelines and grant agreements.
Grants can only be made to Canberra based applicants who have a current ABN.
The Mill House Ventures administers the ACT Social Enterprise Grant Program on behalf of the ACT Government. All submissions are assessed by an independent panel of business experts who make the decisions based on the applications.
For our 2023/2024 grant program we recieved 48 applications and were able to distribute the $340,000 between 14 amazing early stage Social Enterprises. These start ups are addressing a diverse range of issues including disability, culturally and linquistically diverse individuals, environment and disadvantage, and feature 11 female founders. See the successful recipients below!
Received $20,000
Accessilife is an online marketplace and directory that brings together accessible products and services in one central place. The project will support the development of a branding and marketing strategy as well as to upgrade and improve the website, building in e-commerce functionality.
Received $30,000
Catalyst Living Skills supports the development of core life skills for marginalised and disadvantaged people through equine assisted learning combined with creative, nature and farm-based activities. The project involves the development and deployment of impact assessment tools, training in financial management and bookkeeping and the design and creation of a nature play area.
Received $30,000
Endless Australia has identified an innovative way to close the loop on small plastic waste by repurposing millions of plastic bottle lids into premium recycled and recyclable plastic products for the adrenaline sports industry – starting with skateboard decks. The project will enable the development of a business and communications strategy, a website build, enable the piloting of prototypes, and support a launch event.
Received $12,500
Fundraise for Australia identifies, recruits, trains and empowers new fundraisers to help secure resources for underserved communities and entrenched social issues. Funding for this free program enables fundraising training and recruitment support to the not for profit sector.
Received $30,000
GetAboutAble is a leading Australian accessibility consultancy, supporting businesses as well as community and Government organisations to improve their access and inclusion. The project will support the renewed focus on B2B products by updating their brand and website to reflect their current service offerings.
Received $30,000
Her Kitchen Table empowers CALD women who are facing barriers to accessing meaningful economic opportunities to overcome these barriers by turning their passion for cooking into a profession and strengthening CALD women’s connection to the ACT community. The project will enable the development of training programs to encourage and support participants own entrepreneurial progress and pathways.
Received $29,000
RecycleAbilities mission is to create customised, socially impactful employment opportunities for individuals with intellectual disabilities through improving the collection of Container Deposit Scheme containers from Canberra businesses. The project will enable a review of their legal structure, the development of a strategic marketing plan and the development of a comprehensive record of operating.
Received $30,000
See Me Please primary social purpose is to improve accessibility in digital experiences for people with disabilities and improve the overall digital accessibility landscape while aiming to create meaningful employment opportunities for people with disabilities. The opportunity is to develop a pilot with Canberra businesses on the development of digital components and video guides supporting the growth of the user testing platform.
Received $28,585
ShowGO is an Audio Description service and App for theatre, dance, museums and film to enhance access and accessibility for individuals who are blind or who have low vision and increases inclusivity across all abilities. The project will enable a full App review and updates based on user feedback, build a B2C website and develop a Strategic Marketing Plan, a Financial Plan and a Business Plan.
Received $29,915
The Climate Factory facilitates the creation of climate-cooling microforests in suburban locations promoting biodiversity and fostering community engagement in environmental initiatives. The project will develop a distinctive Microforest Collective brand, craft a comprehensive strategic marketing plan and develop a website.
Received $10,000
The Easy Read Toolbox strives to create a more inclusive community through accessible communication for people with disabilities, while providing accessible, award wage employment for people with disabilities. The project will enable the engagement of specific professional services to improve business processes, deploy a learning management system and review the membership product.
Received $20,000
U Shape Us is seeking to transform disconnection into connection and increasing children’s sense of belonging through creativity. The project will support the development of strategic business and marketing plans and an evaluation framework for impact reporting.
Received $10,000
Warehouse Circus is dedicated to improving the mental and physical health of young people through the medium of social circus. The project will support the development of branding and marketing strategies to support growth opportunities.
Received $30,000
Womens Shed Canberra Inc. (WSC) is a space for women of all backgrounds, ethnicities, orientations, and ability to meet and to learn skills in building trades within a safe and supportive community. The project will support the development of a strategic marketing plan, upgrade and improve the website as well as provide website management training to enable ongoing updates to be managed internally.
Shop 3, Ground Level, UC Hub The University of Canberra Bruce, ACT 2617
(02) 61030401